Innovative Programs Tax Credit

The Montana Legislature passed House Bill 279 in 2021.  This bill allowed Montana taxpayers to receive a dollar-for-dollar credit on their state income taxes, up to $200,000 per year for donations to Montana Public School Districts to support innovative Educational Programs.  Married taxpayers filing jointly may take a tax credit of up to $400,000. The response to this opportunity in its first year was huge.  Individual Montana taxpayers donated $1 million to Montana public schools.  In the coming year, the statewide tax credit limit will increase to $6 million.  Donated amounts may not exceed the taxpayer's income tax liability buy may be carried forward for 3 years.

YOUR DONATION can help Eureka Public Schools directly benefit our students by providing:

· Vocational Education Opportunities

· Programs, services, and equipment for students with disabilities

· Work Based Learning Partnerships

· Post-secondary credit or career certifications

· Technologies that improve student experiences and opportunities.



This opportunity is a first-come, first-served basis.  In 2022, 23 taxpayers and 8 schools received donated funds.  School districts will begin entering donations into the portal on January 15, 2025, until the $6 million credit limit is depleted

 Step 1: Print out the Eureka Public School Cash Donation form, which includes all the required information to qualify for the tax credit

Step 2: Bring the completed form and your donation the the Eureka Public Schools Central Office located in the high school

Step 3: Eureka Public Schools Administration will enter the information from you form and your donation amount onto the DOR Education Donations Portal

Step 4: Once the school records the donation into the portal, the DOR will preapprove the donation as long as the $6 million has not been exceeded, and the donator will be given a receipt that can be filed with your 2025 taxes.


If you are interested in donation or have questions, please contact Eureka Public Schools Superintendent Joel Graves at 406-297-5650 or